chemistry is considered to be one of the most difficult subject which needs a lot of mugging of reactions but children are not only knowing which reactions are important to learn and which dont require much emphasis to be given,so to take children out of this dilemma we are providing you with the best hand written notes in pdf format. These notes are from one of the finnest teachers who have 10 years of experience and served as HODs at institutes such as fit jee,bansal classes,kalarashukla classes etc. these notes are strictly based on jee syllabus (mains and advanced) . { Sample screenshot } ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 1)CHEMICAL BONDING 2) NOMENCLATURE OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 3)GENERAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (GOC) 4)ISOMERISM 5)REACTION MECHANISM 6)HYDROCARBONS 7)ALKYL HALIDES 8)ALCOHOL,ETHER AND PHENOL 9)ALDEHYDES AND KETONES 10)CARBOXYLIC ACIDS AND DERIVATIVES 11)AMINES 12)BIO-MOLECULES 13)POLYMER